Put state workers on a four-day week, says Queens politician Gianaris

The Daily News reports that Assemblyman Michael Gianaris is pushing a proposal to put state employees on a 4 day week. Gianaris claims the change would save the state $30 million a year.

Assemblyman Michael Gianaris

Assemblyman Michael Gianaris

“Good budgeting requires outside-the-box innovations,” Gianaris said.

His idea is to make all state agencies providing “nonessential services” abandon the standard 9-to-5 weekday schedule.

State workers instead would put in 10-hour days Monday through Thursday.

This idea has been suggested before – Now might be the perfect time to give it a try.

Peru Planting 512,820 Trees a Day to Fight Climate Change

Written by Levi Novey

Peru’s Ministry of Agriculture has launched an ambitious project. The goal: plant 40 million trees in 3 months to help deter the effects of climate change.

Planting 40 Million Trees

Planting 40 Million Trees

According to Peruvian news source Andina, the Ministry hopes to complete the project by February 20th of this year. They started working on December 13th of last year. That will mean that an average of 512,820 trees will be planted each day over a three month period– an astounding and inspiring example for other countries to follow around the world.

Did somebody say something about planting a million trees in NYC?